Mayor & Council

Meeting Dates

 Regular meetings of the Board of Alderman are held on the second Tuesday of the month at 7:30 AM.  Special meetings are held as needed. All meeting notices are posted at least 24 hours in advance.


Duane Nauman

2 Year Term – Expires April 2026

Responsibilities and Duties of the Mayor

  • General administration of the City government
  • Presiding over the Board of Aldermen
  • Advising the Board of Aldermen on policy matters
  • Implementing policies of the Board of Aldermen
  • Enforcing all ordinances

Further duties include handling citizen inquiries and service requests, and generally supervising and coordinating the activities of the City government.

Board of Aldermen

James H. Krueger

South Ward Alderman
President of the Board of Aldermen

2 Year Term – Expires April 2026

Matthew Stiens

South Ward Alderman

2 Year Term – Expires April 2025

Robert “Bob” Heck

North Ward Alderman

2 Year Term – Expires April 2026

Kristine Gibson

North Ward Alderman

2 Year Term – Expires April 2025

Responsibilities and Duties of the Board of Aldermen

The Mayor and Board of Aldermen shall have the care, management and control of the City and its finances and shall have power to enact and ordain any and all ordinances not repugnant to the Constitution and laws of this State, and such as they shall deem expedient for the good government of the City, the preservation of peace and good order, the benefit of trade and commerce, and the health of the inhabitants thereof, and such other ordinances, rules and regulations as may be deemed necessary to carry such powers into effect and to alter, modify or repeal the same.

Ward Boundaries

Map of Voting Wards

The following line drawn through the City of Mound City is hereby established as a common boundary line between the North Ward and the South Ward of said City:

Beginning at the East boundary line of the City of Mound City, Missouri where it would intersect with Frazer Street if said Frazer Street were extended due east; thence west on Frazer Street to the center of Nebraska Street; thence south on Nebraska Street to the center of Davis Street; thence west on Davis Street to the center of State Street; thence southeast on State Street to Missouri Highway 118; thence westerly along Missouri Highway 118 to the west boundary line of said City.


  • Must be at least twenty-one years of age.  The Mayor must be at least twenty-five years of age.
  • Citizen of the United States.
  • An inhabitant and resident of the City for one year preceding his/her election.
  • A resident of the ward from which he/she is elected.
  • Must be a registered voter.
  • Shall not be in arrears for any unpaid city taxes, or fees, or forfeitures, or defalcations in office.